Brian Stephens
If you’re wondering what a lesson from one of The Drum Corner™ courses might be like, here’s your chance to get a FREE video lesson. I took this particular one directly from the first video in our course “Drumset Set-Up Guide”.

In this video, I talk about some things to help you find the drum throne height that is exactly right for you. Finding that correct height will mean all the difference in the world in how well you can move around the drum set and play for hours without discomfort.

I put this course together after hosting a “weekend warrior” drummer here at my studio. His band was recording several track with me and I noticed a myriad of things about his set-up that were keeping him from getting a strong and consistent sound in the studio. Hopefully, this video will cause you to rethink how you’ve been setting up you kit and how high (or low) you have been sitting.
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